Friday, September 7, 2007

13th one!

Back on the horse we go, with another exciting addition of the Brasserie. And as of last Tuesday (the 4th), I'm 24. Hooray!

Here's the 'cast, and you'd be smart to seek out Double Negative's newest album and buy it immediately. They're kind of a cross between pre-metal CoC and Reagan Youth. That should float anyone's boat, really.

Here's the playlist:

Pitbullfarm - Army of Assholes
Phantom Limbs - From A Distance
Lords of Light - Super Brutalizer
Dynamite Boy - Catching On
Test Pattern - You Make My Heart Beat Faster

Evil Devil - No Roof Over Head
Straitjacket - I'm On Fire
Bitchy - Assimilation
Barnyard Ballers - Cenobites
Strychnine - Hate Finger

Ubangi Stomp - Culture Shock
Alphabet Bombers - 3 o'Clock
Social Circkle - Can't Take It
Fleshies - Gay Holiday
Earth Died Screaming - Banners of Death

Mirandas - Do the Blitz
Nomads - Let's Go to the Dragstrip
Gorilla - Csavargo
Cobra - Worrier's Rock
Levi Murphy - Bad Bad Baby

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