Friday, May 18, 2007

eighth one!


Jesus, was this one a long time in coming, but my schedule cleared up a little today, so I got a chance to put up a new Brasserie. Still not sure what my new address will be, but hopefully that will all get sorted out next week. Of course, I've been saying that for a while now, but hopefully the fates will align in my favor for goddamned once.

Anyway, enough of that crap. Here's the podcast.

And the playlist:

Dillinger Four - Noble Stabbings
Subhumans (Canada) - Mindless Tough Guy Act
88 Fingers Louie - Go Away
Mexican Cheerleader - The Kids Ruined Rock
Godzilla Flip - Get Back

Demented Scumcats - Hillside Strangler
Reducers S.F. - No Control
Disease Called Man - Life Lock
Rockabilly Mafia - Hardcore Rockabilly
Groovie Ghoulies - Normal Is A Million Miles Away

Roach Motel - Frenzy
"Demons" - Lost Dog
Mad Heads - Mad Heads Boogie
I Object - The Reals
Paavo Rowe - Please Don't Cry

Complete Control - We Were Dead
Jem Crossland and the Hypertonics - Everybody's Rockin' But Me
Gasoline Fight - Lay Down and Die
New Bomb Turks - Constance Keane
ANTiSEEN - Fuck All Y'all

RSS Feed

Sunday, May 13, 2007

another update!

Moving sucks. Or rather, getting cheated by people you were going to move in with sucks. Hence the lack of podcast. It's done, I just need the time to upload and post it, and since there are only 24 hours in a day, I haven't yet. But I will. Courage!

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Eighth podcast is coming, I swear. But the recent move and work have delayed it for a bit. It'll be up this week, and hopefully the normal schedule will resume afterwards.