Tuesday, March 27, 2007

fourth one!

Hello, all. Apologies for my voice this time around, but I'm stricken with some allergy or another and am completely stopped up as a result. Bear with me and my unbearably nasal enunciation, especially since I don't talk as much this time anyway.

Here's this week's 'cast, and if anyone knows someplace where I can upload future podcasts for free, email me (kiefda03 at gmail.com). I could use one, since my current servermeister graduates this year and thereby loses his college upload space.

The Rev. Horton Heat kicks ass by the way, and if he comes sniffing around your back stairs, go and listen to him play. He's amazing.

Phantom Limbs - Hot Knives and Hornets
Small Town Pimps - Sick and Twisted
Sour Kids - Holden Caulfield Wouldn't Like You
Million Dollar Marxists - Bricklayer
Jem Crossland and the Hypertonics - Pretty Kitty

the Tossers - First League Out from Land
the Escaped - Lost
Starlite Wranglers - I Was Born to Be A Gambler
Nog Watt - Fear
the Brethren - Little Green Monster

Neale and the Fauns - Get Out of My Way
Boy Kicks Girl - For Better or Worse
Thee Merry Widows - The Curse
Barnyard Ballers - Porno Slut
Pink Swords - Crybaby

Shakeout - Walkin' A Fine Line
Media Circus - Hipster Holocaust
Burning Image - The Lower Walks
Neos - Destruct
the Fairgreen Trio - Window Shopping With A Brick

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